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Dear Follower,

We Are Remodeling our site,

Filling it with new content, new design, fixing errors,upgrading the security, putting in new features, and much more.


Dont worry we are still helping in Ukraine

You can continue to follow our Missions with aid to the frontline, hospitals and more, on our SoMe..

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Continue to support our Cause, Become a Member.

It is expensive to deliver Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine, and unfortunately we dont have any rich uncle, or get any money from the state. We are totally depentant of your Support, and exists from hand to mouth

Our base goal is 250.000,- dkk a year 

støt Fast hver måned (pr mdr)

250 kr.


Hver måned

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Støtte Medlemskab (Årligt)

300 kr.


Hvert år

+100 kr. Oprettelsesgebyr til Medlemsmønten

Bliv medlem af Vidar Regiment og hjælp os med at finansiere turene til ukraine

Gyldig til annulleret

Virksomhedsmedlemskab (Årligt)

1.000 kr.


Hvert år

+100 kr. Indmeldelsesgebyr

Ønsker Jeres virksomhed at støtte mere, så kan der oprettes flere medlemskaber på samme konto

Gyldig til annulleret

That amount makes it possible for us to:

- Establish 12 missions a year to Ukraine, with needed aid to the soldiers, hospitals, civilians at the frontline and much more.

- Having a Storage in Denmark

- Having a Storage in Ukraine 

- Having a Tactical Operation Center(TOC) running everyday in Ukraine

- Having our own reliable Vechicles, to operate and deliver from.


None of us are Paid, 

all surplus money goes to finance requested items, vechicles , bandages, supporting danish fighters in Ukraine or more missions to Ukraine.


Who We Are

Vidar Regiment is a veteran organisation, which in itss current form started shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in febuary 2022, us danish veterans looked at each other and all said, lets help. 

And soon we were part of an countrywide effort to collect military gear, like helmets, boots, bulletproofvests, that we used during our own deployments around the world. Shortly after we have send the first trucks off to ukraine where they landed while Kyiv was surrounded by the Russians.

The Ukrainians was so pleased with our effort, theat they kept askin for our help, and therefore we neded to get more organised and Vidar Regiment was born. 

Beside Focusing on military aid to the soldiers, first aid equipment to combat medics, and hospitals, and helping civilians trapped in the war.

We help our veterans, by giving them a new mission, and letting them doing the deliveries with aid To Ukraine, Missions that seems to give new memories, sense of purpose and success stories, that replaces some of the bad memories, from Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Kosovo, Bosnia, Mali, or some of the many other hotzones we have been deployed to over the years. In other words  we help treat PTSD through our missions, gives a unique comunity to rally behind, and help rebuilding the veterans, so they can see for them selves that they can much more, than "just being a soldier"  


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